Starting position
Although urban planning has been promoting a better mix in the use of public leisure facilities for many years, it is still more likely that the approximately 200 football cages (enclosed pitches) in Vienna’s metropolitan area will be used by more assertive groups, such as older boys. In the cage itself, it’s »the right of the stronger« that applies. There is a lack of inclusive structures that enable equal participation for girls.
This development has been strengthened yet further by the Corona crisis. Girls and young women in particular are more likely to have withdrawn into private space during the curfews.
Objective: Promote self-confidence and leadership among girls
The Girls Cup Vienna sees girls and young women take over the public space and assume responsibility. It is, after all, those who act self-determinedly, take decisions and are visible who are able to take a more active role in society.
The young people get involved in preparing and implementing the tournament series in a participatory and self-effective way, which strengthens autonomous action, the willingness to learn and self-confidence. Their shared group experience in the organisation team creates a sense of belonging and of collective strength.
In the long term, the spatial appropriation changes the social rules for public spaces. Girls act in a self-confident and empowered way in formerly male-dominated areas, be they inside or outside the football cage.
Our offer
The Girls Cup is a cage football tournament for girls and young women. It takes place several times a year at different cage locations in Vienna. Young female football players take a leading role in organising and implementing the events, supported by Youth Leaders from Kicken ohne Grenzen.
The project also serves as a networking hub for various actors in street football for girls and young women.
Response to the question: »Do you have a personal takeaway from this tournament? If so, what is it?«
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